Sunday, November 26, 2023

The New Democrat Comedy: Scary With Children...

 Dan Goldman as Allah Bubba Butthead

Gretchen Whitmer as Peggy Butthead

Marie Harf as Kellie Butthead

Pete Buttigieg as Bud Butthead

Buttstink as Buck

Gavin & Jennifer Newsom as Jefferson and Marcy D'erpy.

Joey RobbingIt Bidet Jr as Bobbie Looney

Alvin Bragg as Griff Grifter

Benjamin Crump as Officer Dan

All Butthead leads a Queer Shoe store insurrection protest against fat gay cross dressers.

All Butthead leads a protest against a national Queer Beer boycott.

Bobbie Looney brings queer beer to All Butthead's "No Ma'am" meeting.

Bud Butthead's inflatable fake rubber woman takes a bigly drink of Bud Lite.


  1. Replies
    1. Щось пішло не так...
      Джо Робінет Байден-молодший - найгучніший президент США коли-небудь.!!!

  2. WASHINGTON — President Joe Biden walked back his criticisms of Hamas terrorists' death count in a private meeting with several Muslim Americans, according to The Washington Post.

    On October 25, president Biden remarked during a public address he had no confidence in the terrorist-controlled Gaza Ministry of Health to accurately report the death count in the ongoing war with Israel.

    “I have no notion that the Palestinians are telling the truth about how many people are killed,” President Biden said.

    The next day, Biden reportedly held damage control meetings with several Muslim Americans who were extremly upset by the comment. Invited to the meetings were Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison, Chicago-based activist Rami Nashashibi, interfaith leader Imam Mohamed Magid, Muslim lobbyist Wa'el Alzayat and health-care advocate Suzanne Barakat, according to The Washington Post.
    How insulting it was to have the President of the United States of America apologize to American Muslim politicians and leaders AS IF THEY WERE REPRESENTATIVES OF HAMAS?

  3. t amazes me that you still have black Americans defending the democrat party.....the party of slavery, jim crow, the kkk, lynching and the Civil War......this article details the continuous destruction against the black American community by the democrat party......
    The democrats have trapped black children in generational poverty and crime, and their policies have led to the deaths of 10s of thousands of black children every year.....
    And blacks still vote for the democrats...
    To sum it up, since 1964, Democrat policies that are ostensibly intended to benefit blacks have, instead, impoverished them, broken up their families, ravaged their communities with unchecked crime, and left their children illiterate and uninformed. These inculcated societal problems have spread to Hispanics, too, but they’re a little less vulnerable to them because they don’t have the blacks’ long, tangled history with the Democrats.
    But Democrats aren’t done. Most recently, in the name of equity, Democrats are using their war on children’s education to reinstate…segregation. It’s not just for college dormitories anymore. According to the Wall Street Journal:

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. @Anonymous November 30, 2023 at 1:40 PM AKA Dervish Sanders Posting someone else's name and confidential information for doxxing will land you in the pokey, Assface Dervish Sanders.

    2. Bring it on, asshole.

    3. Is that you speaking Dervish, or is that the queer beer hooch speaking?

  5. I'm waiting for the police to arrest me, Mystere. Are they coming soon?
