Thursday, November 23, 2023

Gobble Gobble Cluck Cluck!



  1. I'm not your gay boyfriend, Mystere. I'm not going to give you a spanking.

    1. Hey Dervish? I don't have a boyfriend. I'm a straight dude. That gay chimp pic is one you sent of your boyfriend years ago. I think the chimp is your butt boy Lester Liberalmann aka This One? You sent it around the time you started backing down on your advances on Luke, around 2015-16, after Luke started ignoring you.
      Your memory is quite short, just like your IQ, Dervish. You really shouldn't try to hack the Cleveland Foxers blog site. As long as I'm around as one of the moderators, I will keep blocking you. I'm not the one who started the site either. I got invited by "Polar Bear", who was one of the liberals on the old Fox site MyFoxCleveland. The Fox TV sites interlinked with one another back in 2008. Polar Bear, as liberal as he was back then, won't tolerate you. He'd find you as an embarrassment to liberals on WordPress and Google blog sites. While he liked 0bama, he hated Crooked Hildebeest Clinton and Jerry Brown.

    2. Hey there, ol' Dervy boy, are you still denying your queer fixation on Mystere? Did you choke on some giblets while scouring the blogosphere? Sticking your pinhead up the bottom end of a fat tom turkey proved to be dangerous today, eh? Did you get tingles up your behind when you wrote those queer fantasy retorts to Mystere's posts on Cleveland Foxers? Your queer fixation of referring to men's ejaculations as "white gravy" shows how mentally ill you really are.

    3. Oh by the way, I forgot to ask if your tom turkey was thawed out or still a bit frozen when you bobbed for the giblets stuffed up the turkey. It would be really bad if your pinhead suffered brain freeze as a result.

  2. Mystere is the person with a short memory. He's the one who referred to "White gravy" frequently on Lisa's blog. I've never seen that chimp picture before. I don't know This One. I have never seen anyone post as "Lester Liberalman"... I think you made this name up.

    1. You lie, Dervish! You posted the original version of that queer chimp on your hate smear sites.

    2. Oh, about "Lester Liberalmann": This One used that alias on another blog site along with "Lester", "Liberalmann", "Ralph", "Liberalman" and a few other aliases on another couple of sites before coming to fart around on Lisa's blog site.

    3. I never posted that pic. I don't have any hate or smear sites.

    4. You took down Whoz Yo Mama and all your other blog sites, Dervish? That's a bigly lie you just told. Your hate and smear sites are still up.
