Friday, November 17, 2023


Mikey did it!  Mikey pulled the trigger!  And he struck the witch's broomstick.  Nanshee won't make it up Goat Hill with her broomstick.  J6 is getting exposed.


  1. You think the release of this footage will lead to the arrest of more J6 insurrectionists? I think they got most of them, Mystere.

    I don't know what Nancy Pelosi has to do with it. She wants all the insurrectionists incited to violence by your Orange Turd cult leader arrested.

    I also don't know what your delusions about witches has to do with any of this. Nancy Pelosi isn't a witch. Hillary Clinton isn't a witch. Gavin Newsom isn't a warlock. You thinking they are -- that is proof of your mental illness. You need help, Mystere.

  2. Dervish, did you just poop your jock strap and thong panties again? 😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆 Your idols are about to crash and burn soon enough. And your fixation on orange colored turds is very unhealthy. You need to stop snorting the crack residue from Hunter and Sniffy JoeJoe boofing in the 0ffal 0ffice. Sniffing their )) cracks is very unhealthy Assface Dervish.

  3. When Nancy was born, FDR & General DeWitt had planned a massive deportation of the Japanese in North, Central and South America by imprisonment in concentration camps to demoralize them and cause them to rebel against The USA, Canada and other nations. It almost worked when they carried out the deportation imprisonment starting in February 1942. Nancy's papa Thomas D'Allesandro Sr had a copy of The FDR blueprint to deport all of the Japanese from the Americas. Pelosi's J6 imprisonment is a copy of the FDR blueprint to send prisoners to GITMO for execution.


    1. You are a moron, Mystere.

      The events of Jan. 6 were not a plot by Nancy Pelosi because there is no such blueprint of a planned deportation hatched and carried out by FDR and General John DeWitt. There is plenty of evidence that the Japanese planned to sabotage and attack the United States, Canada and Latin America from within, by trying to poison the food supply and by spying for the Japanese Imperial Army. There was a foiled plot to bomb San Francisco that the Army discovered and told the news media about.

  4. I hope all the insurrectionists get arrested soon. They all deserve to be further charged with treason, and be executed immediately by the military.


    1. As a matter of American law, the events of Jan. 6 were treasonous because they did involve acts that betrayed the United States on behalf of an enemy power, the tRumptards.

  5. Ronald Reagan quote about Nancy Pelosi appears to be fabricated...

    Social media users have been sharing posts online with a quote about Speaker Nancy Pelosi and her family attributed to former President Ronald Reagan. This quote appears to have been fabricated.

    The quote reads: “Nancy Pelosi is extremely evil, she comes from the Baltimore democrat corruption machine the D’Alesandro family, both her father Tom D’Alesandro and her brother Tommy D’Alesandro were mayors of Baltimore, a well oiled corrupt democrat family. – Ronald Reagan 40th President of the United States.”

  6. Melissa Giller, chief marketing officer at The Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation and Institute, told Reuters via email: “Not only did President Reagan never say this, but I searched all of his presidential speeches from all 8 years, and he never mentions Nancy Pelosi even once.”
