Friday, January 26, 2024

Fine Masterpiece Friday

Why are the conservative women in the media so smoking hot?  Yes, 2 of the women shown here have gone to Heaven already (Ivana Trump and Amalija Knavs, Melania Trump's mother).  The others are busy hard working women.  These ladies are just a few of many smoking hot smart women.
Top to bottom:
Amalija Knavs
Melania Trump
Ivanka & Ivana Trump
Sarah Palin
Rita Panahi
Lauren Boebert
Marjorie Taylor Greene
Mayra Flores
Harmeet Dhillon
Amanda Head & Dr. Gina Loudin
Kari Lake at Fox 10 Phoenix
Kari Lake official headshot.

Thursday, January 25, 2024

Thrash A Liberal Thursday

Mystere sent me this from the Cleveland Foxers trashed comments.  Derpish is getting a thrill, calling Texas Governor Gregg Abbott a murderer.  He should report it to the proper Texas authorities.  Perhaps he'll get a bounty for his report.  On the other hand, he just put a bounty on his head for trying to instigate a false arrest.  But he got a hard on while accusing Greg Abott of being a murderer.
Update:  Assface Dervish Sanders has been running his piehole about "monkey poop coffee."  So here's a screenshot and some comments posted on the screenshot.

Wednesday, January 24, 2024

🧿H B🧿Y! 🧿🧿H L🧿🧿K!

It appears Joey's been bumbling, fumbling, grumbling and mumbling to get a young crowd to carry on.  Seriously?  These people behind him are paid operatives.  Is that all you can get, Joey?😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆OH BOY!

 A scandal broke in Arizona as Kari Lake recorded a conversation initiated by RNC State Chair Jeff DimWitt.  Dimwitt tried to bribe Lake into pulling out of the race for Senate.  DimWitt had no idea Lake was recording the conversation, legally under the circumstances.  DimWitt got caught, and quickly resigned from office.😆😆😆😆😆

Wednesday Wacky Webday

🔺Now, now!  This is mild, compared to what is really posted.  Some stuff is quite vulgar and not good for posting.  This stuff came off far left trash sites.🔺

Saturday, January 20, 2024

Moonbat Slapstick...

Oh boy!  The lefties have outdone themselves again.  Dumb And Dumber rides again!  Take a look at these pictures... But before you do, you've been warned!  You might need eye bleach!😆😆😆😆😆

Oh there's utter humiliation coming your way, liberals.  This is just the start of it.  Scotty Kirby shakes his groove thingy:

Oh but wait, there's more... Of course there is! 😆😆😆😆😆  It's coming... Whether you like it or not!

Oh my!  Why did Sports Illustrated go woke?  They really did it!😆😆😆😆😆
Too late!  They already looked!😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆

Is this what Joey meant with his "Build Back Better" campaign slogan in 2020? 😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆 OH MY!  But wait, there's still more:

You can't make this stuff up!  Sports Illustrated wonders why their readership suddenly went away.  Scott Kirby and United Airlines wonder why passengers stopped flying United, after they went woke, fired long time experienced pilots and mechanics  because they were white men, then  hired their  replacements based only on race, gender and their queer status, with no experience in flight and plane maintenance. 😆😆😆😆😆 Update:  Comments are closed on this post now.

Thursday, January 18, 2024

Confessions From A Democrat Puppet Boi

Dervish Sanders January 18, 2024 at 7:50 AM

I'm printing ballots right now. I volunteered and the DNC shipped me a top of the line laser printer. Three times as many people who live in Henry County are going to be voting for Joe Biden.


Dervish Sanders January 18, 2024 at 7:53 AM

Vince, Mavis and Cheryl are helping me fill out the ballots. We all love Joe Biden. And cheating.

Dumbest Senator Ever As Said By Ted Kennedy

Recently, a story popped up about Senator Ted Kennedy being asked who the dumbest Senator was, in the Senate.  Ted Kennedy named Joseph Biden the dumbest Senator ever.  This was over 25 years ago.  And now, JoeJoe still plans to steal another term in the office.

Update:  here's another photo of Camilla that I originally chose not to post, but with Dervish's dumbest retorts ever, I have changed my mind:

Camilla nearly threw up moments after the "Mensa Genius" Joey RobbingIt Bidet let it rip.💨💨💨💨💨💨💨💨💨💨💨💨🦤🦤🦤🦤🦤🦤🦤🦤🦤🦤🦤

Tuesday, January 16, 2024

MSNBC Cry Baby...

Really, Joy?  Are you trying to be "white?"  Why do you bleach dye your hair?  Are you a vanilla haired OREO, Joy?
Eat cake, Joy!  There's plenty of it to go around.

Monday, January 15, 2024

For The United Spot Viewers...

Here are some Chrispie Chreme Chrissie Christie photos and a meme or two for downloading to pass around.  Enjoy the laughs.  That other guy is Reid Hoffman, one of Biden's incompetent clowns.