Wednesday, January 24, 2024

🧿H B🧿Y! 🧿🧿H L🧿🧿K!

It appears Joey's been bumbling, fumbling, grumbling and mumbling to get a young crowd to carry on.  Seriously?  These people behind him are paid operatives.  Is that all you can get, Joey?😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆OH BOY!

 A scandal broke in Arizona as Kari Lake recorded a conversation initiated by RNC State Chair Jeff DimWitt.  Dimwitt tried to bribe Lake into pulling out of the race for Senate.  DimWitt had no idea Lake was recording the conversation, legally under the circumstances.  DimWitt got caught, and quickly resigned from office.😆😆😆😆😆


  1. "It appears" in your delusions, Mystere.

    1. Derpy hasn't been watching Communist News Network (CNN)? These came from their feed on Wednesday Morning.

    2. 1 thing I didn't say: these photos are screenshots edited from some livestreams. The one of Farting JoeJoe Bidet was "BIGLY HILARIOUS"!😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆

      Apparently, Assface Dervish suffers a BIGLY BUTT ACHE after his pink Joe Biden butt plug got kicked up his stinkhole and stuck, giving him a temporary case of constipation.

  2. I was referring to your first paragraph, Mystete. Not the Kari Lake story. I have not heard about this. I don't care.

    Google says his name is DeWit, not Dimwitt. You're the dimwit, Mystere.

    Kari Lake is a bigly loser who should go away.

    1. Who is Mystete? And Mystere hasn't said anything here. Derpish has been chugging the moonbat moonshine hooch again.

    2. The author of the blog post is Rattrapper. Dervish's queer fixation on Mystere is quite advanced and getting worse. And that first pic showing Joey is a CNN Screencap. JoeJoe is losing his mind quite badly.

    3. Hey Player! Your fixation on Mystere is beyond out of hand. You need mental help. And who cares what Google says about the name? Jeff DeWit is a bigly crooked "DimWitt". Why do you care about Arizona? You live in Tennessee. Are you about to lose your golden inbred calf when the border gets shut to illegals? Looks like the Mexican druggies are giving you loads of cash and drugs to peddle on inbred dimwit Democrats in your area.
