Monday, January 1, 2024

Moonbat Humor...

My New Year resolution is to keep laughing at the dumbest moonbats on the internet.  Over the years, some of the most flatulent moonbats left because they kept getting laughed at.  But with that said, Happy New Year!  Now here are 3 reasons to laugh at Assface Derpi$$ §ander$666, especially at his last 3 flatulent retorts, sent to me by Mystere.

Dervish is a close to a 1 digit IQ imbecile.  If the LOWEST IQ score is around 50, Dervish has scored even lower than that BIGLY.  He's the new low bar on the IQ scores.  He would rate about 10 if the IQ scores must remain 2 digit scores.

Mystere got that photo off Boston Piggy's stinky Progturd Eruptions hate blog site, knowing it was a fake.  Boston Piggy used it to spread her hate, as she has no sense of humor.

Dervish wants to know who to blame for him being a fat porker.

Looks like Dervish Sanders is dumbfounded for answers.  

You have no one to blame but yourself, Dervish, for being a fat porker.



  1. I've seen pictures of your fat guy, Mystere.

    1. Mystere is a straight dude, not some queertard.

  2. Correction: fat gut. You have one.

    1. Mystere has a fat gut? Really? Those photos in the post are you, Dervish.

  3. You have no one to blame but yourself, Mystere, for being a fat porker.

    1. Mystere isn't here, Dervish. I'm Rattrapper, but you can call me Max. Max Headroom.

    2. You're replying to a comment by the blogger who calls himself "I Tell The Truth". I don't know why you're addressing me in your retort.

    3. Dervish Sanders January 1, 2024 at 1:38 PM
      "You have no one to blame but yourself, Mystere, for being a fat porker."

      That is your retort, Fartbreath Dervish Sanders.

    4. "I Tell The Truth" wrote the comment you refer to. Nobody calling themselves "Fartbreath Dervish Sanders" has ever commented.

      'Fartbreath Dervish Sanders" is a figment of your imagination.

  4. Matt Frewer was Max Headroom, not you Mystere.

  5. he latest travesty is the decision of the Colorado Supreme Court to strike President Trump’s name from the ballot in that state “for his role in the January 6, 2021” riots at the U.S. Capitol. This gravely inappropriate decision not only exceeds the court’s power according to legal experts on both the left and right, but also is an obvious effort to ignore mounting evidence that undermines the left’s narrative that the Jan. 6 protests were an “insurrection” that President Trump “instigated,” an accusation for which President Trump has not been criminally charged and of which he was acquitted by the U.S. Senate in the second impeachment proceeding.
    New York’s Bias Democrat Attorney General, Letitia James, who is famous for saying prior to her being elected ... That SHE would Make Sure That Donald Trump Is Found Guilty, and Will Not Become President Again Well New York Democrat Attorney General, Letitia James filed an action for civil fraud against President Trump, alleging that he undervalued his extensive property in Palm Beach, Florida, when applying for business loans. Ms. James wants to confiscate all of President Trump’s New York properties and cancel his licenses to conduct business.
    New York Attorney General Letitia James) made waves even before she was officially sworn in, but those waves (as predicted) appear to be crashing down on her and making her Eat Her Words.
    “We will use every area of the law to investigate President Trump and his business transactions and that of his family as well,”
    She said in an Interview with NBC News.

    Destroying the Rule of Law to Get Trump!

    “When the rule of law is compromised, diluted, or discarded—even in pursuit of some purportedly lofty aim (“Saving our democracy!” “Fighting misinformation!” “Dismantling systemic racism!” “Liberating Palestine!”)—wrongdoers profit while the public suffers.”

    In other words, using bad means to achieve allegedly beneficial ends is no excuse!
    New York Attorney General Letitia James ran on an anti-Trump campaign where she expressed grave antipathy and animus toward Mr. Trump,” they said, according to CNN. “Attorney General James has referred to President Trump as an ‘illegitimate President’ and has vowed to ‘use every area of the law to investigate President Trump and his business transactions and that of his family as well.'” That alone was Totally an ILLEGAL thing to say!

  6. Looks like the Epstein Client list that the Democrats fear has been released.
