Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Lloyd Austin Has Butt Cancer?

Okay, in all seriousness, Lloyd Austin has prostate cancer.  The blog team wishes no harm to the Austin family, and that he recovers from the ordeal.  However, this fool put our NATIONAL SECURITY in grave danger by not telling anyone he was going to be hospitalized for a period of time.

This dummyhead constantly brings the dumbest of the dumb to power.  Resident Poopy Pants Bidet's dumb and dumbest Defense Dummyhead Lloyd Austin kept his dingbat underlings in the dark.  Had we gotten into a serious crisis while Team Dummyhead had no clue where their jackal clown was, this would have started a nasty war.

This farting dingle berry will be facing his eternal judgement without an excuse.  In the meantime, we're stuck with one stooge after another in DC offices, screwing us over.


  1. Mystere is playing with the occult, casting curses and praying to his master Satan that Lloyd Austin die in bigly excruciating agony from butt cancer.

    1. Michelle Obama stuck her bigly black mike up my man-pussy at Epstein Island. It gave me a huge orgasm when it vibrated. Barack Obama stuck his big mike up my gaping hole after Michelle pulled out. I got a 2 for one deal that I'll never forget.

  2. Mystere faked a comment from "I Tell The Truth". I thought you called "bigly black mike" Shelly, Mystere. You're a racist liar. And you faked my comment too. I wrote "endo cancer", not "butt cancer". Mystere is embarrassed by his last name.

    1. Dervish Sanders January 10, 2024 at 2:15 PM
      "Mystere faked a comment from "I Tell The Truth"."

      Whoa Dervy! Mystere faked a comment? What proof do you have, other than some wild accusations? "Bigly black mike?" That has your signature on it. "Bigly." That's your key word. You have many blog enemies, Dervish. You have zero proof that Mystere faked your fake alias. Whoever faked you punked you big time!😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆

      You got what you deserved Dervish. Michelle Obama Is A Shemale? What's on that blog, Dervish? Queer porn? And you must be some expert on butt cancer, eh Dervish? Are you "Butt hurt" over some wacky title, Derpish? 😆😆😆😆😆 Did you "get bent" over the title?😆😆😆😆😆 Did you become the "butt of jokes" over some comments?😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆

      In all seriousness, your fool Austin put the nation in danger by not telling anyone where he was. You'd be screaming bloody murder if the head of defense in either the 2 Bush Administrations or the Trump administration did what Lloyd Austin did. But since it's your buffoon's head of Defense, you say it's a good thing he did, and give him a pass.

      For the record, the blog team wishes a complete healing for Lloyd Austin. Unlike you, we wish no one to keel over from Cancer. Austin needs to resign and get well at home. He's not fit for duty, health wise. Even other liberal Democrats say the same thing in this case.

  3. I don't have a blog called "Michelle Obama Is A Shemale", Mystere. That is your fake blog. Michelle Obama was born a woman. The "I tell the truth" fake comment (above) is YOUR fantasy.

    1. Hey Derpish, how do you know if Michelle Obama was born a woman? A woman can't come out of a birth canal. Neither can a man come out of a birth canal. Certainly, Michelle Obama was not born a woman at birth. That's physically impossible. Do you need a biology lesson, Dervish?

      By the way, neither Mystere, Porky, Don Key or I have queer fantasies. You either wrote it or got blog swatted by an enemy.

    2. Michelle Obama was born female, idiot. You wrote that comment and created that fake blog, Mystere.

    3. You said Michelle Obama was born a woman. You should have said that Michelle Obama was born a female in the first place. You made it sound as if she was a woman being born, just like the Dimwit Pharisees and Saducees during the days Jesus walked as a man on this earth. You set yourself up for getting ridiculed!😆😆😆😆😆😆

      I admit it was funny delivering swipes at you, Dervish!

    4. Oh by the way, whoever allegedly created the "fake blog" you're crying over seems to have created some fake link. The link says there is no such blog, but the name is available.😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆

  4. FYI, Mystere, prostate cancer is not "butt cancer". Anal or colorectal cancer would be "butt cancer".

    1. "Butt out" Dervish!😆😆😆😆😆

    2. Mystere doesn't know what the prostate is. And Mystere is proud of his ignorance.

    3. Dervish is fixated on the anus and prostate, as seen in his retorts. And Dervish fell for the trap set in the title of the post.😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆
