Thursday, January 25, 2024

Thrash A Liberal Thursday

Mystere sent me this from the Cleveland Foxers trashed comments.  Derpish is getting a thrill, calling Texas Governor Gregg Abbott a murderer.  He should report it to the proper Texas authorities.  Perhaps he'll get a bounty for his report.  On the other hand, he just put a bounty on his head for trying to instigate a false arrest.  But he got a hard on while accusing Greg Abott of being a murderer.
Update:  Assface Dervish Sanders has been running his piehole about "monkey poop coffee."  So here's a screenshot and some comments posted on the screenshot.


  1. Mystere supports and condones murder. Your master Satan approves.

    1. 🔺Cowardly Pussy-boi A$$face Dervi$h bin-§atan~§ander$666 confesses he condones and encourages murder. His puppet master Satan gloats with glee over this.🔺

      Man-Pu$$¥ A$$face Dervi$h bin-§atan~§ander$666 keeps pushing up his dirt nap date with his vile retorts.

    2. Derpy did a blackface, as seen in the photos above.

    3. Derpish is going to need that corrected header for his hate site Whoz Yo Mama when he eats humble pie and sees his emperor god Farting Poopy Pants JoeJoe Bidet's carcass in a casket after Bidet finds himself getting court martialed in a military tribunal for treason.

    4. donald tRump is going to prison, Mystere.

    5. Joseph Robinet Biden Jr. is going to Fire Lake, Dervish Sanders, and that's the sad truth.

    6. Dervish did a black face. Dervish is a full fledged member of the KKK in Paris Tennessee.

    7. There's nothing to see here. It's time we take a break and kick back with some high quality weed. I enjoy the high quality marijuana coming across the border. Some of the mules carry it up their anal cavities, giving the marijuana a flavoring of home made tacos and burritos. The ones brought in by Chinese migrants smell and taste like chop suey or sweet and sour pork.

    8. Chinamen import the best tasting monkey bean coffee into the United States too, Les. It's superly bigly tasty when the beans pass out of their anal cavities and dry out before being roasted and ground. The chow mein and chop suey flavors make the monkey beans a superb coffee to sip and savor.

  2. What a moronic fake comment.

    The type of coffee you refer to does not exist, Mystere. You made it up. It is a product of your sick diseased mind.


      Embarrassed because you posted while drunk, Dervish? Trying to scapegoat Mystere for your retorts? Go look at the link about "Monkey Poop" coffee. You didn't think I'd find it? Your vile retorts are hastening your time to head into Fire Lake, Dervish.

    2. Mystere: Go look at the link about "Monkey Poop" coffee.

      You didn't post any such link.

      "The coffee cherries are digested by civet cats as they move through their stomachs and digestive tracts...".

      The civet cat isn't a monkey.

      And the coffee does not come in chow mein and chop suey flavors.

      btw (like I already said) I don't like/drink coffee.

    3. Hey there Dervish! You're right about 1 thing: I didn't post a link about monkey poop coffee. Rattrapper posted that link. Also, the civet cat is not a true cat either. Some cultures refer to the civet as a monkey, thus the name "Monkey Poop Coffee."

      You claim you don't drink coffee... WHOOOOOPEEEEE! Who cares if you do or not?

      Your "Chinamen" retort is over the top too, Dervy. "The chow mein and chop suey flavors make the monkey beans a superb coffee to sip and savor." You really went over the top with that remark. No wonder why you're trying to walk it back, Dervy.😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆

  3. I have never had civet cat coffee. I have also never had your imaginary "monkey poop" coffee. I don't drink alcohol/get drunk.

    1. Civet cat aka monkey poop coffee is not an alcoholic drink, Dervish. "I don't drink alcohol/get drunk. I don't like/drink coffee."


      Whatever, Dervy.

  4. You are a vile, sick and evil turd, Mystere.

    1. 🔺You just described and projected yourself, Dervish.🔺

    2. Rattrapper, the highly snarky donkey's revenge, a funny high IQ individual with witty quips and Porky Da Badd Ass are some of the wittiest bloggers to team up with. You're jealous because they're witty and funny and you're not, Dervish.
