Saturday, December 28, 2024

Bill Clinton Hospitalized Over Fever


  1. And you're praying for his death so another (fake) prophecy will be fulfilled? By the way, I hope Bill Clinton gets better and lives a lot longer. I say that because the last time (when you wished death upon Nancy Pelosi) you lied and said it was me that would be very happy if Nancy Pelosi died. Even though I didn't say that and don't want that at all.

    1. You're the one wishing for death, Dervy. All I posted is that Clinton got sick, and stayed in the hospital. You're hoping for his death in hopes of seeing Satan usurp the prophecy "2 will be taken, 3 will be shaken" by Mark Taylor, a true prophet of God. Bill Clinton will be 1 of 3 shaken, with Barack 0bama and George W Bush as the other two shaken. Jimmy Carter is likely the second of the two taken, as George HW Bush was the first taken.

      Keep poking God in His Eyes to the point God smacks you down, Dervy. You keep inflicting irreversible suffering upon yourself. When your hate sites go down permanently, you'll be oinking and grunting like the pig you really are.

  2. Mark Taylor is a fake prophet.

    God will not "smack me down" in regards to any of your delusions, Mystere. If either of us is "smacked down" by God, it will be you.

    And you're obviously still attacking my blogs. I have reported your comment for harassment.

    1. 😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆

  3. "People will eventually die from old age" isn't a prophecy from God. It is a fact of life. You are a fool.

    1. You have zero understanding of prophecy Dervish. You only lean on carnal teachings. There was a further clarification of what the prophecy meant. When the second ex President dies, it's a timing reference to show that the next 3 ex Presidents will be in for judgement. We know that Jimmy Carter is next, just by his old age. But when he goes home, the serious judgement on Clinton, 0bama and Bush will start coming at God's appointed times.

    2. Jimmy Carter just went home today. TICK TOCK! TICK TOCK!

  4. Mystere: But when he goes home, the serious judgement on Clinton, 0bama and Bush will start coming at God's appointed times.

    That won't happen. That is my official prophecy.

    Why don't you like the republican gwb, Mystere? Does it have anything to do with him being a war criminal? I seem to remember you supported him when he was president.

    1. Your fixation on hate is eating you alive, Dervy. You're going to be quite the tasty BBQ chicken when Satan eats you for lunch at Fire Lake.
